Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say. If that is the only reason for me to keep this up, then it is a waste of time. If I am doing it just for my own interest, then I should keep going. Maybe it could just be a way for me to keep track of my projects. I really am trying to keep on top of them, and am getting better at working on only one at a time. Can't say my number of projects has shrunk by much. The trouble is, for each one that I finish, I usually cast on two more - if not more. 

But, having said that, I am actually working on a blanket for a friend. She has asked me to knit a baby blanket, and she has provided the yarn for it. So, I am being a good girl, and although my other projects are really calling out to me, I am behaving myself. It is really hard to do. I have a lace weight project that is so close to finishing, but it will just have to wait a little longer. Once I finish this blanket, I may well finish the lace project. I really want to see it complete, and start wearing the stole.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Really feeling it now

 I have been up since before 5 o'clock this morning, and am really starting to feel it now. Hoping I will actually sleep well tonight, and won't be overtired by then. 

I finally finished the log cabin blanket I was knitting as a wedding anniversary present for my husband. It is all done in 4-ply yarn, and most of it was from stash. I am really pleased with how it evolved as I worked on it. Having finished it, I have now started three projects - yes, that is right, I really did say three projects. See, this is why I never run out of projects to work on. But, I do run out of needles, so tend to just go get some more of the size I need. It's not I really need more projects, really. It's just that these are baby knitting, and baby knitting is usually quick. Having said that, I have realized that I don't actually have that much baby yarn in my stash - horror!!!!! Good reason to order more, which I have done. At least I actually have a project in mind for one lot of wool that has been ordered - see not going into stash. That has to be good. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Improving but. . .

 Having COVID, or recover from it is bad enough. But, I am also fighting hayfever - how does that happen?!?!? I have also started a cold sore. Give me a break - seriously!!!  Ahh well, at least I can watch the racing at Taupo. It is so good to see the supercars back in New Zealand.

Knitting wise, I am struggling to stay with only one project - really nothing new there. I have about three lace projects on the go, so decided I really needed to work on one of them for a short time. To that end, I am working on Kirremuir, which is a Lucy Hague pattern. This is one I have not done before, I have looked at it, but just not had the yarn to work it. I found some lace weight yarn in my stash that was waiting for the right project - and waiting for me to rediscover it - and the pattern is working up lovely. It takes a bit of concentration, so I don't work on it for too long. It is similar to Lindisfarne in that it is worked in the round, and at the end is steeked. That still scares me even though I've done it three times. Cutting your knitting just does not sound right. But, it worked with Lindisfarne, so should be okay with Kirremuir, right?

Thursday, April 18, 2024


 So, I have come down with covid. This is the second time for both my husband and myself. I can't say this time feels better than the first time, it feels like  a really bad head cold. Having said that, it is a headcold that is really knocking me about. So, to help me over this hurdle, I have started a log cabin. But, this log cabin has my own twist on it. I am doing it in mostly sock wool from my stash, and it has a very simple cable, and a very simple lace pattern on it. I am doing a very simple basket weave - 4sts by 4sts - and I like the way it is looking. It may yet change again, as I start to feel better, and more able to think of other 4 stitch patterns that are suitable for a man.

Friday, April 05, 2024


 Is a challenge. It is lace weight, cables, in the round, with 372sts. A Lucy Hague pattern that I don't think I can work on for too long in any evening, as it takes even more concentration that the Boteh Shawl I am also doing in lace weight. I wasn't going to start another project, but just couldn't resist. I really like Lucy Hague patterns, even if they are a challange to do. But, having said that, that is the very reason I enjoy doing them. This pattern also has a steek section, which I have only done on Lindisfarne - another Lucy Hague pattern. Thank goodness this is done in one colour - imagine doing a two colour lace weight pattern!!!! Now there would be a real challenge!!!! Don't think  I am ready for that just yet, though.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Another finished item

 I am feeling so good. I've finished yet another UFO, it has been on the needles for goodness knows how long - as is usual for my UFO's. It is an Ashford pattern, and again will be good for the coming winter. I love the red colour, as it will be nich and bright in the darker days of winter.

It is a really easy pattern to work. and it nice and long, so will be able to wrap around me a couple of times.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Finally finished something

 I've been meaning to try and work on some of my UFO's. Not been doing so good on that, but, I actually have finally have completed something that has been on the needles for goodness knows how long. It is a cowl that I think needs to have more stitches on it, but I didn't know that when I started it. It is called the Rivendell Smoke Ring, and I suppose it is meant to be small. I did like knitting it, but if I ever make it again, I would use more stitches. Anyway, here is a picture of the finished item.

The colour looks way better in person than it does in the picture. It has a luxe thread that doesn't really show up very well. It is going to be warm in this upcoming winter weather, though. So I can be greatful for that.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Boteh Shawl

Here is the shawl that is in 2ply lace, on 4mm needles. I am over half way through the first chart.

 It takes quite a bit of concentration to do this.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Been a long time

 I know, it has been quite a while since I last wrote here.  I just let life get in the way, and forget to record my adventures in knitting. I havae been cutting down on my UFO's, and trying ber hard not to start too any more. I have actually managed to stick to pretty much one project until it is finished. Not all the time, of course, but more than before. Currently I am working on a project that is with 2ply lace on 4mm needles. I had forgotten just how difficult it can be working on such fine yarn, with what feels like broomsticks. The pattern will be nice when it is complete - I hope. I know there is probably nobody reading this, but, I really should try to keep this up for my own record of progress.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

No name

 Now, I know I haven't posted here in a long while. I have finished Iona, and will put up a picture later. I really love the way it has worked up, and am so pleased with the colour I used for the I cord border. One of the girls at work - Rose - suggested it, and she was totally right.

One of the reasons I haven't written anything was because I was going through some personal things and work. And I really didn't feel like doing alot, except knit.

I am currently shaking off the last of covid. Both my husband and I got it at the same time - he got it really lightly with a strong positive. I, on the other hand, got bad symptoms, with a weak positive!!! Makes no sense to me. Maybe it was because I was also fighting sinus and hayfever. The wattle is in full flower over here, and the pollen has also started up. I have been left feeling rather tired, and hope they are understanding at work. 

Speaking of work, I go back on Tuesday. Makes it a short week for me, but I am happy with that. I know I am going to feel quite work out at the end of each day, and certainly by the end of the week, I will need my days off.

Since finishing Iona, I have started Durrow, and had to unpick the whole thing after I realised I had read the charts totally wrong. I was on a total downer when I had to do that. I did try to walk away and start something else instead. But, I know that if I don't pick it up again, then I won't do it. It will stay in the naughty corner for a very long time.  

Monday, August 01, 2022

I am a knitter

 I know that doesn't mean much to anyone. But, I have usually hidden this talent - and it is a talent - and only let other knitters see my work. But, I am 62 years old, and I have decided that it is time I stopped hiding my work. I am not embarrased by my knitting, I don't really know why I've always downplayed what I have achieved with my knitting. Maybe because I am so used to not meeting others expectations? I admit there are many mistakes in my knitting, and I choose colours that make me happy. After all, if I am doing the work, and I am going to be the one to be looking at it, then I should be happy to do so.

I know this doesn't mean much to most people, but it is actually a big step for me. And you know what? I don't really care what others think of me being a knitter. It has taken me a long time to get to that point, and I actually feel like a hugh load has been lifted. One I wasn't even aware that I was carrying!!

Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say...