Saturday, February 25, 2006

It is finished!!!

My Olympic project is finished. I'm really pleased that I stayed with it for this long, and actually got it complete BEFORE the due date. I really do like this pattern. The pics are before I've blocked it, I've just left it, to enjoy the sight of a Finished Object.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My progress

I'm quite pleased with my progress so far. I'm just about finished the third ball, and will get some more wool tomorrow. I"ll probably only need the one ball, which means I should get this finished before the Olympics are finished. Won't that be great?!?!?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Knitting Olympics project

You know, at the rate things are going for me tonight, I'll get this scarf finished before I ever get this posted correctly!!!!! Golly better work this time!!! lol
I have made good progress on my scarf for the Knitting Olympics. The fact that I have stuck to it, and NOT started something else is great progress!!! Let's hope I can keep it up for the entire 16 days!!! Although it is less than 16, now. Did I say 16 days on only one project?!?!? I must be sick, or challanged, or something!!!!! Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of the scarf in progress - at least, I HOPE here are a couple of pictures. Facing the right way this time!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My sock scarf

I finally got my sock scarf finished tonight. I'm really pleased with the way it has turned out. I used Cleakheaton Tapestry Wool, and 5mm needles - two circs. I've finished it in time to start another scarf for the Knitting Olympics - this scarf is a pattern I have tweaked to turn into a scarf. It was a baby blanket pattern. So, of course, I have no idea of how much wool I will need for it. I don't even know how it will look as a scarf!!! Oh the fun!!! lol

Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say...