Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say. If that is the only reason for me to keep this up, then it is a waste of time. If I am doing it just for my own interest, then I should keep going. Maybe it could just be a way for me to keep track of my projects. I really am trying to keep on top of them, and am getting better at working on only one at a time. Can't say my number of projects has shrunk by much. The trouble is, for each one that I finish, I usually cast on two more - if not more. 

But, having said that, I am actually working on a blanket for a friend. She has asked me to knit a baby blanket, and she has provided the yarn for it. So, I am being a good girl, and although my other projects are really calling out to me, I am behaving myself. It is really hard to do. I have a lace weight project that is so close to finishing, but it will just have to wait a little longer. Once I finish this blanket, I may well finish the lace project. I really want to see it complete, and start wearing the stole.

Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say...