Saturday, June 01, 2024

Really feeling it now

 I have been up since before 5 o'clock this morning, and am really starting to feel it now. Hoping I will actually sleep well tonight, and won't be overtired by then. 

I finally finished the log cabin blanket I was knitting as a wedding anniversary present for my husband. It is all done in 4-ply yarn, and most of it was from stash. I am really pleased with how it evolved as I worked on it. Having finished it, I have now started three projects - yes, that is right, I really did say three projects. See, this is why I never run out of projects to work on. But, I do run out of needles, so tend to just go get some more of the size I need. It's not I really need more projects, really. It's just that these are baby knitting, and baby knitting is usually quick. Having said that, I have realized that I don't actually have that much baby yarn in my stash - horror!!!!! Good reason to order more, which I have done. At least I actually have a project in mind for one lot of wool that has been ordered - see not going into stash. That has to be good. 

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Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say...