Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the year

and I don't feel like I have achieved much on the knitting front. Still working on hubby's vest, it's knitted in the round, until you get to the armholes. Finished the back part, am now working on the front. At least I know it will be finished before next winter, thank goodness. Then I really must look at the other UFO's I have. Gotta find the patterns that go with them, as well.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Am pretty much set, and nearly ready for tomorrow. The meat is cooked, and in the fridge, the salads won't get made until tomorrow - I want them as fresh as possible. Need to cook the potatoes, and boil some eggs, which won't take long, really. Am waiting for son and his partner to arrive, should be here soonish, I hope. Presents are under the tree, and the cat is leaving them alone, for which I am grateful.
We are having subway for dinner tonight, don't really want to create any more dishes than we have too. Am looking forward to tomorrow, actually. Not so much the next day, because I have to work!! Ahh well, someone has to do it.
Hope anyone reading this has a good day, and is able to create good memories.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Finally back online!!!

After nearly two weeks without any internet - or any with much speed - we are finally back up and running!!! What a relief!!! Now I can start posting again, well, hoping to post again.
I did finish a baby blanket, but forgot to take a photo of it. I was very happy with the finished product. I made it for a friend, who's daughter is having a baby - any day now!!!
Now I'm working on a vest - in the round - for hubby. This has been hiding, and paitently waiting for me for a few months, now. I need to show him, I can make something for him.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baking Day

I've been baking for most of the day, today. Did four different muffins, a banana cake, and a bacon and egg pie. Didn't actually feel like having dinner cooking today, as I was using the oven pretty much all afternoon. I enjoy baking, not cooking so much, but baking, yes.
All this is for the team at work tomorrow. I hope they enjoy what I have to offer.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What a day!!!

Started at 12pm, and finished at 12:15am. It was manic!!! A discount day, so half price on all childrens clothing. Talk about busy!! We had all three registers going, and three packers!!! It went quiet about 10:30ish. Not totally dead, but a lot quieter. And we have another late one next week. I am looking forward to my Friday's off, I tell you. At least I am still able to do my knitting, I find that quite relaxing.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Just watched a good movie.

It was "Julie and Julia". I really enjoyed it. I like the way they blended two true stories. It is one I will have to get, I can see I will watch this movie again. I don't think I could go through a whole recipe book like that, let alone cook all those receipes!! I'm not that great a cook, and probably not dedicated enough to try something like that. I'm having enough trouble going through my knitting books. I don't have thoughts of going through a whole book, well . . . I have, but not seriously enough.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Small post

I'm going to try to add a photo. It didn't work the last couple of times I tried this, but am hoping it will this time. I had my head shaved a couple of weeks ago, for the Lukemia and Blood Foundation. Three of the girls at work had their hair coloured.


 I am part of a yarn club that sends out a skein each month. The yarn arrives near the end of the month, and this month's arrived yester...