Wednesday, August 18, 2021


So we are in a three day lockdown. I am glad the government kept their promise that if there was even only one case, they would go hard, and go fast. Australia has taught us what happens if you procrastinate about a full lockdown. It may only be one case, but that is all it takes. I have said this before, and I will say it again, we have been here before, and we can do it again. This time isn't as long as last time, so that is a bonus. I feel for Auckland being in full lockdown for longer, but as that is where the current case is, it is understandable. 

At least I have my knitting, nearly finished this Cable Swirl Blanket. Then I might work on husband's jersey, which was supposed to be finished for winter. Well, that didn't happen, might be finished for next winter? I shall do my best. I've actually got two jersey's on the go for him, so need to get both finished for next winter. 

Coffee is also important. Gotta have the coffee!!!  hehehe And if I need anything else, I do have my reading. Got plenty of books to keep me going. There is also Netflix and Neon. So can't really say there is any reason to be bored. Not really, anyway.  

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Should I continue with this blog?

 Not really sure why I keep this up. I don't write here very often, and as far as I know nobody is that interested in what I have to say...